Keys to species Halimeda Lamouroux

1 Branches originating in a single plane, becoming displaced with age; a single basal attachment for each plant usually evident
1 Branches originating at random, not in one plane; with age plants becoming attahed at many places, the original holdfast becoming obscure
2 Basal segments are cylindrical or cylindrical compressed, sometimes barrel shaped
2 Basal segment is somewhat cuneate broad above and tapering at the base
3. Base of the plant showing one or more subterete to narrowed stalklike segments; upper segments to 1.5 cm diam.; well calcified; surface utricles when seen in section clearly in lateral contact for only
3. Base of the plant without stalk or at most one segment a little differentiated; upper segments to 2-4 cm. diam., little calcified
H. discoidea